Gana el Brexit: Reino Unido decide abandonar la Unión Europea

Este actor inglés lo he visto en tantas películas.

16-05-2016Adrian Hilton63 Comments

Edward Fox OBE is one of the UK’s most distinguished actors, with a career spanning seven decades. In manner, character and disposition, he is the epitome of English decency, and the embodiment of civility, charm and candour. He rarely forays into the political realm, but the question of UK sovereignty and the matter of EU treaty superiority over national law has been of concern to him for many years.

There is an innate conservatism in his love of established custom, the bond of compatriotism, and his articulation of the Burkean organic order and the Lockean social contract. From human experience and the observations of centuries, British originality, for him, lies in the testimony of nationhood and the natural projection of individual identity: the sovereign parliamentary state is in political-philosophical tension with continental notions of law and liberty driven by oligarchical elites.

Edward Fox was a good friend of Sir James Goldsmith – to whom we owe a huge debt of gratitudefor bringing us to this point – and in the 1997 General Election he was a supporter of the Referendum Party, at whose conference he delivered a speech. He writes candidly here about the forthcoming EU Referendum, with full knowledge of the dangers to the integrity of national democracy and political sovereignty should we vote to remain in the incremental “ever closer union” toward a United States of Europe.

Some will dismiss this as a trivial ‘luvvie’ interjection of vanity, but it is not. While politicians cry havoc about war in Europe and harp on about the dangers to GDP, playing shamefully on the demotic fear of the unknown, Edward Fox elevates the discourse with an observation on the virtue of a true European fellowship which flows from the Divine mystery. Here is philosophy, wisdom and succinct truth:

Sovereign power is not a divisible condition: it is an absolute. Argument that counters adherence to that principle propounds a falsehood. Sovereign power is absolute or it is nothing.

For Great Britain, the condition had existed historically until the times of treaties signed to accord and merge with belief and desire for a European federating dominance of power. It had been the beneficence bequeathed by our ancestral forebears who believed, fought and died in the cause of freedom for sovereign power of governance for Great Britain. A sacred blessing. A sacrifice beyond calculation.

Argument that seeks to etiolate and eventually eviscerate the native courage and deep-rooted spirit of Britons deserves to be despised and derided.

The management of economies for the well-being of nations is arrangeable, flexible, alterable and matter for human negotiation. True amity derives from the natural interchange and flow of human fellowship and does not ever devolve truly from the creation of treaties charged with political obligation. The interchange of human fellowship is a mystery, the work of God, and always defies being imposed.

Edward Fox
Un comentario de un lector del artículo sobre Edward Fox:

  • len
    a day ago
    Those behind the concept of the EU knew full well their plan for'a new type of society 'would never get off the ground if people knew the full scope of their plan.
    So the plan has came about by increments each step stealing a little more freedom from us until the plan became fully implemented and there would be no turning back.
    We are on the brink of surrendering the last vestiges of freedom to the EU or making it clear that we have had enough of the undemocratic beast that is the EU.
    There are many today who have been educated in what is basically an anti Christ system and have accepted all that has been taught them by this system so the dangers of ever closer union with the Godless EU is probably not apparent to them.
    Church leaders need to be more vocal(and a little braver) about promoting the kingdom of God and not the EU (which is a last ditch attempt by man to re- construct 'the Tower of Babel' )
:eek::eek::eek:...Parece que han cogido a la reina Isabel II en un "fuera de onda" inesperado. Parece que, antes del discurso ante el Parlamento, mienytras se preparaba, le han oìdo decir que "tengo que advertir a mis sùbditos"; que hay informaciones del màs alto nivel militar que dicen que habrà una guerra mundial a cuyo lado la IIGM iba a ser una broma. Que Europa va por mal camino y que va siendo hora de abandonar la nave. "Està acercàndose una tempestad tan violenta como Inglaterra nunca la ha visto igual", ha dicho la reina. :eek:

El personal de la BBC que la escuchaba, boquiabierto, ha tenido que escuchar luego al director, John Kirby, que les ha dicho "todos nosotros debemos ignorar, olvidar, borrar de la memoria cualquier cosa que hayamos oìdo".

Queen Elizabeth Reveals She Is Ready To Flee Britain

The Queen was overheard saying that military intelligence suggests that if Britain doesn't leave Europe then World War 3 will occur.

Posted on May 19, 2016 by Baxter Dmitry in News, UK // 133 Comments


Queen Elizabeth stunned BBC production staff yesterday while preparing to deliver the Queen’s Speech at the State Opening of Parliament, hinting that she is planning to abdicate the throne and flee the UK, a BBC insider claims.

One is making the necessary preparations to abandon ship,’ Her Majesty said. ‘A violent storm is coming, the likes of which Britain has never seen.

BBC staff ‘stunned’

Her Majesty was speaking to her advisors while taking on the Parliament Robe of State and Imperial State Crown in the Robing Chamber, however she was already wearing a microphone and her comments were heard by the whole gallery.

She seemed angry that she had to remain neutral in her speech. She said there is solid intelligence from military top brass that if we don’t Brexit there is an inevitable World War 3 scenario that will play out,’ the insider said.

World War 2 will seem like a bump in the road compared to this. I must warn my subjects,’ the Queen said.

BBC cover up

The line was cut off at this point and BBC production staff were urgently addressed by the director John Kirby. He said he had been warned by BBC executives that the Head of State had been ‘shooting her mouth off a lot lately‘ and that ‘we must all ignore, forget, delete from our memories everything that we heard.’

He said there wasn’t going to be a scandal on his watch.’

Queen Elizabeth’s abdication

What does Queen Elizabeth know that we don’t? She is certainly privy to information that is kept from the public. The possibility of a geopolitical conflict, culminating in World War 3, has been discussed by Britain’s politicians this past week. By warning advisors that she has made the necessary preparations to flee the country, is she hinting that she has inside information of the darkest kind?
¿y a qué país piensa exiliarse la Queen?

Windsor, yo no creo que la reina tenga intenciòn de exiliarse a ningùn sitio, y puede que ni siquiera de abdicar. De lo que ha hablado la reina, privadamente y mientras se vestìa, ha sido de la necesidad de "abandonar la nave". Que, visto que se sabe que ella es partidaria del Brexit, creo que lo que significa es que UK debe marcharse de la UE.
Windsor, yo no creo que la reina tenga intenciòn de exiliarse a ningùn sitio, y puede que ni siquiera de abdicar. De lo que ha hablado la reina, privadamente y mientras se vestìa, ha sido de la necesidad de "abandonar la nave". Que, visto que se sabe que ella es partidaria del Brexit, creo que lo que significa es que UK debe marcharse de la UE.

Ok, tarde o temprano va a haber Brexit , estoy convencida. Los británicos han cogido de la EU lo que les ha interesado siempre, si no tienen nada que sacar, se irán.
Pensaba que eso de "to flee the contry" se refería a ella
Ok, tarde o temprano va a haber Brexit , estoy convencida. Los británicos han cogido de la EU lo que les ha interesado siempre, si no tienen nada que sacar, se irán.
Pensaba que eso de "to flee the contry" se refería a ella

Sì, es efectivamente lo que uno pensarìa leyendo esa frase. Vete a saber...pero yo creo que a su edad, no es probable.

No sè, Windsor. Còmo no darles razòn en querer abandonar esta axfisiante camisa de fuerza en que los euròcratas han convertido a la UE. Hacen bien en querer irse. Pero no sè si les van a dejar...quiero decir que parece que las posiciones pro y contra estàn bastante saliera la opciòn Brexit, bastarìa una pequenya manipulaciòn electoral...y oops!..... Ya veremos.

En todo caso, lo notable de este artìculo es que la reina posee informaciòn pivilegiada, y considera un autèntico peligro para su paìs permanecer en la UE. Por algo serà.