Energía Chi / Prana / Orgone - ejercicios y reflexiones...

16 Mar 2013
Espero que podamos hacer este hilo largo porque los beneficios de poder canalizar la energía (chi = prana = orgone) son enormes y han sido conocidos por todas las culturas per/no-occidentales.

Aquí dejo el video de 5 ejercicios de chi (de un chico de muy buen ver, por cierto :) ) que me ha resultado muy útil. ...duermo poquísimo y esta rutina física me devuelve la carga (y)

Chi Gong and Tai Chi (Qi Gong) Energy Healing Exercises

Basic properties of orgone energy
May 15, 2015 | by peter

* it fills all space and is everywhere
* it’s mass free and is the primordial, cosmic energy
* it penetrates matter, but at different speeds
* it pulsates and is observable and measurable
* it has a strong affinity and attraction to/by water
* it is accumulated naturally in the living organism by ingesting foods, breathing, and through the skin
* the mutual attraction and excitation of separate orgonotic systems result in the merging, or superimposition, of the systems; and the emergence of a new system
* orgone energy is negatively entropic: highly charged orgone systems attract lesser charged, which Reich described as the orgonotic potential
* orgone energy is excited by secondary energies such as electromagnetism and nuclear energy
* it is the medium for electromagnetic and gravitational phenomena
* when it is concentrated, orgone energy often has a blue-to-violet color
* under appropriate conditions, matter arises from mass-free orgone energy
* separate streams of orgone energy may be attracted to each other and superimpose
* it can be manipulated and controlled by orgone energy devices

45 Unique Names for Subtle Energy

Names for Subtle Energy from Cultural and Religious Traditions

1- Christian - “Anointing”
2- Christian - “Holy Spirit”
3- European - “Etheric Energy”
4- European - “Life Force”
5- European - “Vital Force”
6- Greek - “Pneuma”
7- Hindu - “Kundalini”
8- Hindu - “Prana”
9- Hindu - “Shakti”
10- Hindu - “Vril”
11- Japanese - “Ki”
12- Jewish - “Shekinah”
13- Madagascar - “Hasina”
14- Sufi - “Baraka”
15- Tibetan - “Tummo”
16- Traditional Chinese Medicine - “Qi” or “Chi”

Names for Subtle Energy from Indigenous Traditions

17- Akan- “Kra”
18- Akawaio - “Akwalu”
19- Iriquois - “Orenda”
20- Lakota - “Waken”
21- Mayan - “Itr”
22- Palau - “Kalit”
23- Polynesian - “Ha”
24- Polynesian - “Mana”
25- Shoshon - “Boha/Poha/Puha”

Names for Subtle Energy from Scientific Researchers

26- Henri Bergson - “Elan Vitale”
27- R. Blondlot - “N-Emanation”
28- Oscar Brunler - “Mental Radiation”
29- Barry Carter - “Exotic Matter”
30- P. Dubrov - “Biogravity”
31- Gerald Feinberg - “Tachyon”
32- Alexander Gurwitsch - “Mitogenetic Rays”
33- Thomas Galen Hieronymous - “Eloptic Energy”
34- Barry Hilton - “Fluoroplasmic Energy”
35- Victor Inyushin - “Bioplasma”
36- Nikolai Kozyrev - “Time Density”
37- Nikolai Kozyrev - “Torsion”
38- Wilhelm Reich - “Orgone”
39- Carl von Reichenbach - “Od”
40- Ivan Shakhparonov - “Kozyrev-Dirac Emanation”
41- Shakhparonov and Shipov - “Dark Matter”
42- William Tiller - “Deltrons”
43- William Tiller - “Subtle Energy”
44- Veinik - “Chronal Field”
45- George de la Warr - “Biomagnetism”
Todo es energía y ha de fluir. En nuestro caso, si hay bloqueos, puede haber enfermedades.

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