Campaña #hellotokindness

14 Sep 2014
La revista Hello en colaboración con Kensington Palace lanzan la campaña #hellotokindness para contrarrestar los comentarios abusivos en RRSS.

Todavía no está en castellano.


Kensington Palace staff are spending hours each week moderating sexist and racist comments directed at the Duchesses of Cambridge and Sussex, HELLO! can exclusively reveal. A handful have made violent threats towards the two women, while others are targeting 'rival' fans for vicious personal abuse. This news, along with a rise in abusive comments aimed at Kate, Meghan and their fans left on our own social channels has prompted HELLO! to launch the #HelloToKindnesscampaign, championing positivity online.

A source told HELLO!, "The Palace has always monitored comments but it’s a hugely time consuming thing. They can block certain words, but some of it is quite serious. Over the course of last year, with hundreds of thousands of comments, there were two or three that were violent threats. You can delete and report and block people and the police have options around particular people. It’s something you have to manage because there’s no other way to control it."

Our royal correspondent Emily Nash explains #HelloToKindness

Neither Kate nor Meghan have individual public social media accounts, with Meghan famously closing her Instagram, Twitter and Facebook accounts a year ago ahead of her marriage to Prince Harry. Royal aides stress that the majority of comments left by some of Kensington Palace’s 7.1 million Instagram followers and 1.68 million Twitter followers are positive. But a source told HELLO! "A lot of hours are being spent reviewing old material and moderating comments under posts.

MORE: Find out who's supporting our campaign

The problem has become such an issue in recent months that the palace have turned to Instagram in a bid to learn all the tools they can to help them tackle the abusive comments. The social networking company has a team dedicated to helping high profile Instagram followers cope with issues such as these, and particularly around the monitoring of unpleasant and abusive comments.

"It follows a Kate vs Meghan narrative and some of the worst stuff is between Kate fans and Meghan fans," the source continued. "Arguments about who looks more appropriate, for example, that turn into personal attacks on other users. It’s creating a supercharged atmosphere and everyone can join in, but what are the consequences of this?"


This photo of Meghan received a barrage of abusive comments

It’s a question we at HELLO! are posing to our readers this week after noticing an increase in abusive online comments aimed at not just the two Duchesses and others in the public eye, but crucially at other social media users who disagree with them.

Kate has been called "boring" and when Meghan made a surprise appearance at the British Fashion Awards, our moderators had to disable comments on an Instagram post and delete more than 500, because the debate became so abusive. On the day she was announced as patron of four charities and visited one of them, Smart Works, trolls targeted Meghan with a string of criticisms including accusing her of faking her pregnancy to get attention, trying too hard, walking strangely, touching her baby bump too much, and being too slim.


The Duchess of Cambridge is also a victim of vicious online trolling

They also attacked other users, with one urging another poster to "drink bleach" because of her different opinion. And when the Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited Birkenhead, another 477 comments had to be deleted from our social media platforms. As a responsible title, we have decided that enough is enough. It's not acceptable to constantly pit women against each other. It's not acceptable to post racist, sexist or threatening abuse on our platforms. And it's not acceptable to attack other users just because they disagree with you. HELLO! is now urging readers to spread the #HelloToKindness message across social media and take a stand against online abuse.

HELLO! is today urging our readers to spread the #hellotokindness message across social media and take a stand against online abuse. Editor-in-chief Rosie Nixon said: “Comments left under our posts – particularly any to do with Kate or Meghan – have become increasingly hostile – either towards the Duchesses or other users. So we’re asking people to think before they post and say #HelloToKindness. We want to make social media a more positive space for everyone to enjoy.”

GALLERY: Meghan's baby bump evolution

HELLO's Head of Digital Sophie Vokes-Dudgeon said: "Issues of low self esteem are rife among young people these days and we feel, as a responsible publication with high values, we need to lead the way. It's a big concern for our readers too; in a recent survey we discovered how important these issues are to the people we write for, which is exactly why they read our publications. Being healthy in mind as much as in body is important to our audience. They are acutely aware of mental health and self esteem issues experienced by themselves, friends and family and also celebrities.

"They are realistic that celebrities and royals are not immune from life’s ups and downs and they admire those who have spoken out about mental health and image issues." Celebrities including Andrea McLean, Lorraine Kelly, Bros, Blue, Natalie Pinkham, Gaby Roslin and James McVey have already backed our #HelloToKindness campaign, but anyone can get involved and spread the word.
La verdad es que me parece muy triste que lleguemos a atacar a la gente que escribe mensajes porque al final podemos cotillear, dar nuestra opinión y estar de acuerdo o no, pero llegar a sobrepasar ciertos límites me parece demasiado.
Por eso me parece una buena iniciativa por parte de KP que creen esto, pero creo que deberían separar a los dos matrimonios con equipos de prensa diferentes para evitar mayores conflictos, pero bueno, no deja de ser mi opinión y ellos son los que deciden.
La gente nos amparamos en la libertad de expresión para soltar todo lo que se nos viene a la mente. Y estoy de acuerdo en que podemos criticar lo que se ponen, o sus actitudes o pensar que son falsas o demasiado perfectas. Pero hay un límite y ser personaje público no es un boleto libre para que le digas todo lo que te parezca y acusar a gente de ciertas cosas solo porque a ti te lo parece, yo creo qué deberíamos por un momento a pensar: si yo fuera un personaje público, aguantaría que me digan todo lo que les digo a otros personajes?
Creo que será peor con una campaña semejante.
Creo que más que una campaña, deben evitar ponerse en la línea de mira.
Seguro Chuchex está "palteada" :D
Y KM estará diciendo porque fue Mía Tindall y no Charlotte la que no escogieron?
Tomates, paltas......
Me gusta pero si se van a echarse arroz a ellos mismos deberían de hacer campañas que ayuden a la gente de verdad y moderar los comentarios por lo bajo o contratar un especialista para cambiar de tema y hacer relucir a Kate y Meghan en vez de hacerlas ver tan vulnerables. Yo dudo que ellas lean los mensajes. Todas sus campañas de bullying me parecen super vainillas, se deberían de esforzar más. Pero eso no excusa a la gente que asume que por menos de un euro al mes esta gente les debe la vida. De hecho no se porque Meghan vs Kate fue tan hablado cuando todas las parejas con hijos quieren su espacio, más raro me hubiera parecido que vivieran casi juntos.
Hum, que noticia tan idónea para este nuestro foro, queda perfecta para los hilos de haters de las duquesas. Especialmente para todos los hilos de Meghan, casi todos los participantes pueden darse por aludidos.