Alto el fuego en Siria

Rusia veta en la ONU la propuesta de alto el fuego en Siria promovido por Francia y España
  • La propuesta incluía el fin de los bombardeos, ante lo que Rusia no cede
  • La propuesta ha recibido once votos a favor, dos abstenciones y dos en contra
  • EE.UU. y Francia también vetan la propuesta rusa
  • García-Margallo lamenta el veto ruso y dice que seguirán trabajando

08.10.2016 | actualización 16h25 EFE
Rusia ha vetado este sábado una propuesta de resolución sobre Siria durante una votación celebrada en el Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas. La propuesta, promovida por Francia y España, consistía en el alto el fuego y el fin de los bombardeos. Rusia se muestra contraria a este último punto.

La propuesta ha sido rechazada al recibir once votos a favor, dos abstenciones y dos votos en contra, incluido el de Rusia, que tiene derecho a veto, y el de Venezuela. Sin embargo, China, que también tiene poder de veto, y Angola optaron por la abstención.

Los once países que votaron a favor fueron Francia, Estados Unidos y Reino Unido, los otros tres con derecho de veto, y Egipto, Japón, Malasia, Nueva Zelanda, Senegal, España, Ucrania y Uruguay.

Por su parte, Rusia también ha presentado una propuesta de resolución para Siria que ha sido vetada, a su vez, por EE.UU. y Francia.

Es el quinto texto que veta Rusia sobre Siria
El texto, el quinto que veta Rusia sobre la situación en Siria, proponía un alto el fuego "inmediato" en Siria y "el final de todos los bombardeos aéreos" en la ciudad de Alepo.

Esta última exigencia sobre el cese de los bombardeos fue el principal motivo por el que Rusia decidió votar en contra, según afirmó su embajador en la ONU, Vitali Churkin.

Ya anunció el viernes que vetaría esta propuesta de resolución después de que el secretario de Estado de EE.UU., John Kerry, pidiera investigar al Kremlin por posibles crímenes de guerra en Alepo.

Tras la primera votación, los representantes de los miembros del Consejo están defendiendo sus posiciones, antes de proceder a votar la segunda propuesta de resolución impulsada por Rusia.

El texto ruso, que previsiblemente tampoco saldrá adelante en la votación, también pide el cese inmediato de las hostilidades pero no menciona el fin de los bombardeos sobre Alepo.

En cambio, se centra en la reciente propuesta del enviado especial de la ONU para Siria, Staffan de Mistura, de ofrecerse como "escudo humano" para que el grupo yihadista Frente para la Conquista de Levante (antiguo Frente al Nusra, que estuvo vinculado a Al Qaeda) abandone Alepo.

Margallo lamenta el veto ruso
El ministro de Exteriores español, José Manuel García-Margallo, ha lamentado el veto ruso que pretendía "poner punto y final a la catástrofe humanitaria que está sufriendo la ciudad de Alepo".

En declaraciones a los periodistas en el aeropuerto de Valencia, a su vuelta del viaje oficial de dos días que ha realizado a Turquía, García-Margallo ha señalado que España "ha cumplido con su responsabilidad" al copatrocinar con Francia un proyecto de resolución que pretendía acabar con la "catástrofe sin precedentes" que vive la ciudad siria.

"A partir de ahora seguiremos trabajando para buscar fórmulas que puedan ser acordadas con todos los países del Consejo para poner punto y final a una catástrofe sin precedentes en los tiempos que vivimos", ha subrayado García-Margallo.
A ver, por falta de enlace no se sabe de dónde proviene este artículo que has traí supone de algún medio de info- de masa...los que inFORMAN la opinión pública...

Bien: me gustaría saber ¿por qué tiene que haber un alto el fuego sobre todo el territorio sirio según la resolución propuesta por Francia (lo de que España realmente tiene alguna voz en estos asuntos es un chiste, pero dejemos de lado)?
¿por qué un alto el fuego en Alepo ahora? ¿por qué obligar al ejercito de Assad parar su ofensiva contra las cortacabezas de ISIS que todavía detienen parte de Alepo, pero por fin se ven circundadas pero impiden a la población civil de evacuarse ese Alepo?
¿Por qué parar ahora?

(en rojo el ejercito de Assad


Esto es lo que tenía ISIS en enero del 2015:

y esto es lo que tiene a día de hoy, con un año por el medio de operaciones de Putin en apoyo al ejercito sirio:


(fuente, BBC:,
IS 'loses more than a quarter of its territory' in Syria and Iraq)

A mi me parece que el que propone el alto el fuego en Siria, en Alepo inclusive (que el Francia actuando de portavoz de Washington) tiene el miedo que Alepo las bestias de ISIS puedan por fin ser echados a patadas de Alepo, la 2º ciudad siria, centro neurálgico del país y punto fundamental en la guerra para derrocar a Assad. Posibilidad que parece ser no gusta. Estoy deseando saber por qué, la verdad...¿Son los ISIS acaso aliados de Francia y España?

Mientras que la propuesta de Rusia, que será vetada, naturalmente, no me pregunten por qué, no hay lógica ninguna, a no ser que se responda positivamente a la pregunta anterior, es el alto el fuego en Siria salvo en Alepo: así podrán por fin darle la patada merecida a los fundamentalistas jihadistas de ISIS&Co de Alelo.

(@Ruffin: no soy ciber robot, jaja, sólo sigo los acontecimientos de la mayoría de los conflictos bélicos actuales a diario por twitter. #Conflict News es una de las fuentes de info- buenas (y)
Última edición:
Parece que los primeros jihadistas empiezan a negociar con el ejercito sirio...¿esto es lo que EEUU Francia y España temen? :confused::confused:

Negotiations to surrender east Aleppo under way
By Leith Fadel -

ALEPPO, SYRIA (4:10 P.M.) - Negotiations to surrender the rebel-held east Aleppo pocket have begun between the Syrian Arab Army's High Command and Islamist groups, a local source told Al-Masdar News on Wednesday afternoon.

The two parties are currently negotiating the possible exit of all Islamist groups from east Aleppo, via the contested Bustan Al-Qasir District.

If the Islamist groups agree to the terms offered in today's negotiations, the Syrian Armed Forces will be in full-control of some east Aleppo neighborhoods.

While the Syrian Armed Forces have found some rebel groups to negotiate with, large Islamist factions like Harakat Nouriddeen Al-Zinki and Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front) refuse to speak to the government and their Russian allies.
y de tanta propaganda anti eeuu etc. se te ha olvidado informar que Rusia es un .... erial de un sueldo medio equivalente a 120 euros, lleno de mafia y sus reglas, asesinatos, diferencias sociales jamás vistos en Europa, pobreza extrema y mucho rico afin al Zar.

Aquí dejo el escalofriante reportaje de niños en la calle, no hay trabajo. Puedo ponder cientos de documentales, porque ya me he hartado de la propaganda aquí
Esta en otro idioma, pero la IMAGEN vale mas q mil palabras...
De estos hay montón, en esa put* Rusia de PUTIN

@Ruffin, este hilo va sobre la guerra en Siria.
Si quieres uno para discutir las desgracias del pueblo ruso en su casa, adelante, hay un montón de info que aportar y puntos de vista que enfrentar.

En cualquier caso no influye sobre los hechos de Siria: a un año de haber sido invitados los rusos por el gobierno de Assad a ayudarle en la lucha contra los jihadistas, los bestias de ISIS están cercados por el ejercito sirio + apoyo ruso y están a punto de entregar Alepo. Algo que un alto el fuego completo, como el que propone Francia y EEUU impediría.

repito la pregunta: ¿para quién es valor imperante salvaguardar las posiciones jihadistas en Alepo? :confused: No para Putin&Assad, sin duda alguna.
Y mientras se van ultimando las preparaciones para la ofensiva que deberá liberar Mosul en Iraq de los cortacabezas del ISIS, varias fuentes informan que los jihadistas de ese mismo ISIL están siendo evacuados de la ciudad, atraviesan la frontera con Siria, rumbo, probablemente ofensiva a la controlada por las fuerzas de Asad Deir Ez Zor y Palmira.

(info- en cuanto posible propaganda: el twittero es un disidente del regimen de Assad)
US and Saudis to grant 9,000 ISIS fighters free passage from Iraqi Mosul to Syria

US Special forces and Saudi Arabia agreed to provide the militants “Islamic state” (IG, banned in Russia) and their families to a safe exit from the Iraqi Mosul prior to his assault on the forces of the international coalition. This RIA Novosti said a military-diplomatic source in Moscow.

According to him, US President Barack Obama has decided to carry out the operation to liberate Mosul in October.At the time of the assault coalition aircraft would strike only on a pre-agreed with the fighters detached building in the city, which is empty, the source said.

According to him, the plan of Washington and Riyadh also provides that the rebels move from Mosul to Syria for the attack on the government-controlled town of troops.

“More than nine thousand militants LIH of Mosul will be deployed in the eastern regions of Syria to follow a major offensive operation, which involves the capture of Deir ez-Zor and Palmyra,” – the source added.

...iremos viendo...
Y mientras se van ultimando las preparaciones para la ofensiva que deberá liberar Mosul en Iraq de los cortacabezas del ISIS, varias fuentes informan que los jihadistas de ese mismo ISIL están siendo evacuados de la ciudad, atraviesan la frontera con Siria, rumbo, probablemente ofensiva a la controlada por las fuerzas de Asad Deir Ez Zor y Palmira.

(info- en cuanto posible propaganda: el twittero es un disidente del regimen de Assad)
US and Saudis to grant 9,000 ISIS fighters free passage from Iraqi Mosul to Syria

US Special forces and Saudi Arabia agreed to provide the militants “Islamic state” (IG, banned in Russia) and their families to a safe exit from the Iraqi Mosul prior to his assault on the forces of the international coalition. This RIA Novosti said a military-diplomatic source in Moscow.

According to him, US President Barack Obama has decided to carry out the operation to liberate Mosul in October.At the time of the assault coalition aircraft would strike only on a pre-agreed with the fighters detached building in the city, which is empty, the source said.

According to him, the plan of Washington and Riyadh also provides that the rebels move from Mosul to Syria for the attack on the government-controlled town of troops.

“More than nine thousand militants LIH of Mosul will be deployed in the eastern regions of Syria to follow a major offensive operation, which involves the capture of Deir ez-Zor and Palmyra,” – the source added.

...iremos viendo...

la misma fuente, hoy:

May it never end: The uncomfortable truth about the war in Syria


No one will say this publicly, but the continuation of the fighting in Syria as long as there is a recognized authority in Damascus, allows Israel to stay out of the swamp.

Bashar Assad. (photo credit:REUTERS)

Why precisely now, after four years of war and over 200,000 killed, have tens of thousands of Sunni and Christian Syrians decided to leave what was once Syria?

The answer is that after the nuclear agreement reached between Iran and the world powers in July, the Shi'ite axis of Iran, Syrian President Bashar Assad and Hezbollah became the favored side for the United States which signaled to the Syrians that Assad is not going anywhere and that the war was not going to end.

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This altered political dynamic, that spurred the masses of Syrians to leave their country, is not necessarily bad news for Israel.

Clearly the fact that Europe is prepared to absorb the wave of refugees has encouraged more people to leave the battlefields in search of a better future. The images of the refugees that reach European shores show that among them are also Assad loyalists from the minority Alawite militia. But the nuclear agreement with Iran and the diplomatic momentum that came in its wake point to the continuation of the war and the Russian military buildup in the country should be viewed in this light as well.

The 28 Russian jets positioned in the air base in Latakia will not substantially change the situation on the battlefield and neither will the 11 attack helicopters nor the nine tanks and the hundreds of elite Russian forces that came with them.

They will help Assad to preserve his regime in one fifth of what was once Syria and maybe they will help with another victory in Idlib. But even if the Russians increase their presence and even if Iran sends hundreds of additional fighters from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Assad will never return to rule over the Syria of the past.

The Russians and the Iranians will look east in order to block the ISIS threat from reaching Damascus. They will not reach the Golan Heights and the city of Daraa on the Jordanian border and so the main concern for Israel will be for the IAF to avoid Russian forces operating in the sky and on the ground. This is what was discussed between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow last week.

Even before the meeting between the Russian and Israeli leaders, the Russians did not hesitate to inform the Israelis about their military deployment in Syria. Israel requested that the meeting with the Russians be held at the highest levels with the countries two chiefs of staff, and even if the the relative strength of the parties can be described as those between 'a bear and bee,' the Russians were attentive and understood there was a joint interest to prevent misunderstandings.

Netanyahu, the chief of staff and the head of military intelligence explained to the Russians that Israel's interest lies in the area where the Russians deployed - in the area referred to in Israel right now as 'Alawiteistan,' the area under Assad's control. It can be assumed that during the meeting the parties reviewed past military strikes, attributed to Israel but that Israel has not publicly admitted to. Israel requested, and not for the first time, that Russia prevent arms transfers that Israel objects to, but experience of the past teaches that this does not really interest the Russians.

Netanyahu and the military officials told the Russians that there is a chance that Israel will have to act in Syria and that it was important to prevent unwanted confrontations. In the air, achieving this is relatively simple as any plane can broadcast an identifying signal to other planes in the sky. But what if an Israeli jet comes on to the radar of a Russian anti-aircraft missile battery? For this possibility it was decided that the deputy chiefs of staff would meet in around a week to develop a coordination mechanism.

Memories of the Yom Kippur War

Many air forces are operating in Syria but almost all of them are concentrated in the area of the country controlled by Islamic State. None of the rebel groups, including ISIS is operating planes, so a jet seen in the skies above Damascus or Latakia will either belong to Assad's army or to the Israel Air Force. The Israelis asked Putin to prevent a situation where Russian anti-aircraft guns threaten an Israeli plane which would necessitate either an evasive maneuver or worse an attack.

The Middle East is returning to the days of the Cold War but with one vital difference: Now there is only one superpower. The US under President Barack Obama is not really trying to be a regional player and has turned it over to the bear from Moscow, Putin, who knows how to recognize opportunities, is fast to establish facts on the ground and will operate now to preserve his holdings: two ports in the Mediterranean and an airbase for it to use.

What will be the consequences of a regional Sunni-Shi'ite war? The Israeli intelligence community is split on this question. Some believe that the nuclear deal with Iran and the Russian involvement in Syria will stabilize the Shi'ites and will give them an advantage that will allow them to dictate the regional agenda in the next few years. Others believe that Iran and Russia's bolstered alliance with Assad will only draw out the war, and will delay Assad's fall for many years. Thus, these developments are not necessarily bad for Israel.

Every other alternative seems much worse for Israel: the fall of Damascus to the hands of Islamic State or a contiguous territory linking ISIS in eastern Syria with its supporters in the southern Golan Heights. These scenarios would threaten Israel's borders and would would drag us into an unwanted altercation in Syria.

If Israel's interest in the war in Syria can be summarized in brief, it would be: That it should never end. No one will say this publicly, but the continuation of the fighting in Syria as long as there is a recognized authority in Damascus, allows Israel to stay out of the swamp and distance itself from the swarms of mosquitoes that are buzzing in it.

Forty-two years have passed since a small number of Israeli soldiers stood opposite the many Syrian tanks that invaded the Golan Heights. These soldiers will likely be the last to see such scenes of invasion. The trauma that awakens every Yom Kippur in an entire generation that experienced that terrible war is also therefore a source of comfort.

Until 1973, Israel won battle after battle but it did not succeed to uproot its enemies' desire to continue fighting. The victory of the Yom Kippur War despite, but maybe because of, its high cost caused Israel's neighbors to understand that Israel cannot be defeated on the battlefield. This realization led then-Egyptian president Anwar Sadat to peace and the Syria of the Assads to a policy of caution and non-engagement.

It seems as if we will forever discuss the omissions and the lessons of the war that led to the death of 2,600 Israeli fighters. The wars between the generals and the writings on the Agranat Commission Report set up to investigate the failings of the war will continue to fill the weekend supplements of the newspapers. But from a distance of 42 years we can look back on the war and see a resounding success: a decisive victory on the battlefield despite our being threatened at the start of the war and a victory in the long run that echoes to this day - that this horrible war turned Israel into an undeniable fact in the Middle East.

Since October 6, 1973 no state or organization has dared or believed that it can challenge Israel's existence. It's true that Israel is still busy with security challenges, but it also enjoys peace on two of its longest borders and it is free from existential threats - an enormous achievement obtained by the blood of the heroes who fell in the Yom Kippur War.

  • -
...Con la ofensiva turco-US-iraquí de Mosul que empezó el lunes hay cosas muy curiosas:

a. el momento es más que propicio: a un mes de las elecciones americanas y al mismo tiempo que la ofensiva más que exitosa de momento ruso-siria a liberar Aleppo de los cortacabezas de ISIS, ahijados del mayor donor de la campaña de Hilary Clinton, Arabia Saudi.
b. aun haber sido meticulosamente preparada la acción militar contra Mosul no ha conseguido cercar del todo la ciudad en manos de los jihadistas, dejando así vías de posible evacuación de los terroristas (casos de cual evacuación ya han sido filmadas con el bombardeo por parte de la aviación iraquí de la caravana de los jeep jihadistas )

...¡qué cosas!...

Turkey and US Consolidate Terror Assets from Iraq to Syria

Intriguingly, Lavrov added: “The city [Mosul] is surrounded, but not completely. I do not know why. Possibly, they’ve just failed. It is to be hoped they just failed, and not were reluctant to do so.”
It is notable that in previous US-Turkish assaults on IS-held towns there have been unconfirmed reports of large numbers of the jihadists being covertly afforded safe passage out of harm’s way. This has been suspected of happening in US-backed offensives on Iraqi cities of Fallujah and Ramadi, and in the northern Syrian town of Manbij.
As the offensive on Mosul gets underway, there are similar suspicions that the US, Turkey and Saudi military objective is not about crushing the IS hold-outs, but rather evacuating these mercenaries from the city.

Un croquis rapidito ;):


aquí algunos de los cortacabezas de ISIS con menos suerte, vestidos de mujeres :smuggrin::

Y mientras más de 80 ONGs, como por ej. Human Rights Watch, CARE International y Refugees Internationa (¿alguien dijo dinero de Soros & NED? :cool::whistle:) están reclamando que no se le permita a Rusia de tener un sitio en el Panel de la ONU de los derechos humanos - porque los rusos de Putin son mu, mu malos, bombardean los civiles que los terroristas del ISIS tienen como rehenes en Alepo...

...Los amables defensores de los valores democráticos y de los derechos humanos por defecto ;), los neocons americanos están haciendo planes sobre cómo finiquitar esta ya annoying "guerra civil" :rolleyes::

a. mandar a asasinar al presidente de Siria Al-Assad;
b. mandar armas pesadas a los rebeldes ahijados de la CIA

Hill staffer floats solution to Syria war: Assassinate Assad

Plans to send heavier weapons to CIA-backed rebels in Syria stall amid White House skepticism

(ojo, la info- es nada menos que de Foreign Policy & Washington Post!!)
Última edición:
Entrevista con Assad:

.. Aleppo has been under siege for the last four years by the terrorists, and we haven't heard a question by Western journalists about what's happening in Aleppo that time, and we haven't heard a single statement by Western officials regarding the children of Aleppo. Now, they are talking about Aleppo recently just because the terrorists are in a bad shape. This is the only reason, because the Syrian Army are making advancement, and the Western countries - mainly the United States and its allies like UK and France - feeling that they are losing the last cards of terrorism in Syria, and the main bastion of that terrorism today is Aleppo.”

President Assad's Interview with Swiss TV SRF1

otra entrevistam, de hace 20 días:

el video es de Iraq, pero es más que sorprendente: un hombre pone bomba en un coche, se va con el suyo, la bomba explode y 1 segundo después vienen corriendo hombres a tumbarse en sus predeterminadas posiciones de "heridos de bomba", después de lo cual entran socorridas y está toda la tragedia de "heridos"...
