Al menos 19 fallecidos en una explosión en un concierto de Ariana Grande en Manchester

aaaaah. osea. el papá del terrorista era una viejo conocido del MI6. no me digas más. no es que estuviera fichado por "malo" sino todo lo contrario, era un colaborador nuestro, estaba fichado por "bueno".

el terrorista suicida ¿para quién trabajaba? para papá o para el MI6 o para ISIS o para Arabia Saudí ... joer qué lio. Es que una ya no sabe quiénes son los buenos y quiénes son los malos.
Última edición por un moderador:
aaaaah. osea. el papá del terrorista era una viejo conocido del MI6. no me digas más. no es que estuviera fichado por "malo" sino todo lo contrario, era un colaborador nuestro, estaba fichado por "bueno".

el terrorista suicida ¿para quién trabajaba? para papá o para el MI6 o para ISIS o para Arabia Saudí ... joer qué lio. Es que una ya no sabe quiénes son los buenos y quiénes son los malos.
de lío nada: trabajan para los mismos intereses finales. a las pruebas nos remitimos.
Revealed: How the Manchester bomber was a dope-smoking and vodka-drinking party boy nicknamed Dumbo who said he had anger issues


Estos son los fundamentalistas islámicos recitadores del Corán que nos odian por nuestra la libertad.

Un cacho carne con retraso mental fumador de marihuana y bebedor de vodka que no pisaba la mezquita.

Chavales marginados / inadaptados con problemas de autocontrol emocional a los que lavan el cerebro y cargan de captadón para que se vuelen por los aires.

Bombas andantes teledirigidas por una secta satánica financiada por los oligarcas.
Manchester, Berlin, Paris, Nice, London, New York: Passports and IDs Mysteriously Discovered in the Wake of Terror Attacks

This article reviews the “mysterious” phenomenon of IDs and Passports of terror suspects routinely discovered (often in the rubble) in the wake of a terrorist attack.
In most cases the alleged suspect was known to the authorities.
Is there a pattern? The ID papers of the suspect are often left behind, discovered by police in the wake of a terrorist attack.
According to government and media reports, the suspects are without exception linked to an Al Qaeda affiliated entity.
None of these terror suspects survived. Dead men do not talk.

In the case of the tragic events in Manchester, the bankcard of the alleged suicide bomber Salman Abedi was found in his pocket in the wake of the explosion.

Legitimacy of the official stories? The UK is both a “victim of terrorism” as well as a “State sponsor of terrorism”. Without exception, the governments of Western countries which are victims of terror attacks, have supported, directly or indirectly, the Al Qaeda group of terrorist organizations including the Islamic State (ISIS), which are allegedly responsible for waging these terror attacks. Amply documented Al Qaeda is a creation of the CIA.

Below is a review of the circumstances and evidence pertaining to passports and IDs discovered in the wake of selected terror attacks, with links to Global Research articles and media reports (2001-2017). (This list is by no means exhaustive)

From NYC on 9/11 to Manchester, May 2017


In the official version for 9/11 the FBI claimed that they found the unscathed passport of one of the pilots near one of the towers that were reduced to ashes by explosions whose heat melted even the steel columns in the buildings’ structure. The fourth plane’s crash near Shanksville also yielded a passport which, though scorched, still made it possible to read the person’s first name and surname and to see his ID photo. This is all the more disturbing as nothing at all was left in the crater, no part of the plane or of the people travelling in it, only this partly scorched passport."
