Los Duques de Sussex dejan de ser SAR's pero mantienen el Ducado. Devolverán dinero invertido en Frogmore. La nueva vida en Canadá

¿Quien ha ganado el Megxit?

  • La Reina Isabel

    Votos: 271 43,5%
  • Los Duques de Sussex

    Votos: 156 25,0%
  • Nadie

    Votos: 130 20,9%
  • Otros miembros de la Familia Real

    Votos: 66 10,6%

  • Total voters
¡Sí, todos sus antepasados han sido luchadores frente a verdaderos problemas, guerras, invasiones, luchas dinásticas (esto último está lejos de ser un mérito, que Harry se largue deja fuera de cuestión que desee disputarle el trono a su hermano como sus honorables antepasados)! Vamos... entre sus antepasados ha habido testas de todo tipo de pelaje: fratricidas, déspotas, ambiciosos, ladrones, locos... por su Corona, los cronistas convertían en méritos lo que en todos los mortales son deleznables bajezas humanas.

Por supuesto, pero aun siendo producto de las más deleznables bajezas humanas era problemas, este chico que problema real tenía para este drama y esta huída? Que una parte de la prensa inglesa, la amarillista, tan inglesa como el, se metía con la mujer? No me lo creo, estos quieren vivir una vida más libre y farandulera, cosa que me parece genial, son personas y tienen derecho a decidir su vida, pero estás dentro o estás fuera.
Prince Harry Expresses ‘Great Sadness’ as he is Stripped of Royal Titles in First Public Remarks
Prince Harry: troubled playboy to happy family man

AFP — Britain’s Prince Harry expressed “great sadness” on Sunday at he and his wife Meghan being stripped of their royal titles as part of a historic separation settlement with the Queen.
But he said he saw no other way out but to give up his royal role in search of “a more peaceful life” with his American former actress wife and baby son Archie.

“It brings me great sadness that it has come to this,” Harry told supporters of his Africa-based charity in London. His emotional first remarks since the separation were aimed at calming a crisis that has shaken the very foundations of Britain’s ancient monarchy.
Harry also confessed to some trepidation at taking the momentous step of resigning from daily duties and charting a new life abroad.
He said he had always been ready lose the public money that supported his lavish lifestyle but admitted it pained him to have to give up the military titles and patronages he was awarded after serving two tours in Afghanistan with the British Army.

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He read from prepared remarks and appeared tense as he sought understanding from a nation that has had a soft spot for him since his childhood — and which now appeared confused by his decision to leave his royal life behind.
“We are taking a leap of faith — thank you for giving me the courage to take this next step,” he said.
The “Megxit” crisis began on January 8 when the couple’s plans to seek a “progressive new role” in North America were announced without Queen Elizabeth II’s royal assent.
“I know I haven’t always gotten it right, but as far as this goes, there really was no other option,” Harry said.
– ‘Absolutely unprecedented’ –
The couple lost their right to be called “his and her royal highness” (HRH) — much as Harry’s late mother Princess Diana did when she divorced Prince Charles in another family drama that upset the Queen in 1996.

They further agreed to repay £2.4 million ($3.1 million) of taxpayer’s money spent on renovating their Frogmore Cottage home near Windsor Castle.
“No royal has ever paid back money,” former royal press secretary Dickie Arbiter wrote in The Sun on Sunday.
“It is absolutely unprecedented.”

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But Arbiter said it was the loss of the HRH “royal highness” abbreviation that really made Palace history.

“Even when Edward VIII abdicated (in 1936) he dropped from being His Majesty The King to HRH the Duke of Windsor,” he said.
– ‘Lost souls’ –
Few know what Meghan — a global star with a huge social media following and A-list celebrity friends such as Oprah Winfrey and the Obamas — thinks of the British brouhaha about ancient acronyms.
The 38-year-old frankly admitted on UK television in October that she “really tried to adopt this British sensibility of a stiff upper lip.”
But she admitted sadly: “That’s not the point of life.”
Harry has also talked about still being haunted by his mother’s death in a 1997 car crash involving a chasing pack of paparazzi.
He and Meghan filed a series of lawsuits against UK media outlets in October — a step that outraged the tabloids and renewed debates about the royals’ role in public life.
One of these involved a UK paper that published fragments of a private letter Meghan had sent her estranged father Thomas Markle after her Windsor wedding to Harry in May 2018.
Thomas told Britain’s Channel 5 over the weekend that he found Meghan’s decision to quit the royals “embarrassing”.
“I think both of them are turning into lost souls,” her father said.
– ‘The Queen isn’t sure’ –
The expensive lawsuits and the possibility that they might have to start paying for their top-notch security detail raise the immediate question of how they will make ends meet.
The Daily Telegraph reported on Monday that Prince Charles would probably continue paying his son some money from his private income for the next year.
Harry has undisclosed millions of pounds in savings and Meghan has enjoyed a lucrative acting career. She is now also thinking of starting her own line of health and “wellness” products.
The Sunday Times asked a royal aide if Harry and Meghan will be able to cash in on the “Sussex Royal” brand they trademarked in December.
“That is still one of the areas being worked through,” the royal aide told the paper.
“That translates as: ‘The Queen isn’t at all sure’,” The Sunday Times wrote.

London / EuropeMeghan MarkleMegxitprince harryQueen Elizabeth IIroyal familyroyaltyUnited KingdomWoke Royals

Algunos comentarios...

Bonce11 hours ago • edited
We are extremely happy that we are no longer subjected to your woke trashy yacht girl wife, as she pulls you along like a poodle on a dog lead.
I have seen some embarrassing moments in my time. The sight of Harry begging the Disney executive for a job for his wife takes the biscuit.
Advice to Harry: Stay in Canada and dont come back. When your wife divorces you and ghosts you, dont come running back to the UK either.

I am a Beetle>> Bonce11 hours ago
The footage of him trying to sell Meghan whilst she stood next to him was hilarious! The look on his face.... And this occurred when he should have been attending a memorial event for 11 marines who lost their lives in combat, but he decided (Meghan decided) that he should attend a Disney premiere.
Y sobre todo no especules y se honesto. Se han marcado un farol de poker que les ha salido pésimo, porque ambos se creen la última coca-cola del desierto. Pero esto no ha hecho más que empezar, porque Harry volverá divorciado y si no al tiempo.
Kate no ha tenido un padre que desde el minuto 1 vendió fotos y ha ganado sus dólares haciendo entrevistas poniendo fatal a su hija, ni unos hermanos que han hecho el ridículo y han salido también en los peores tabloides diciéndole todo salvo bonita.

La madre de Meghan se mantuvo callada con toda dignidad y fué invitada a la boda. Se esperaba la asistencia del señor Markle para que fuese padrino, pero se le descubrió vendiendo fotos robadas preparándose para la boda, haciéndose el chaqué... y él mismo tuvo que poner de excusa que habían tenido que hospitalizarle para excusar su ausencia. Es decir, que también el padre había sido invitado, ni el propio señor lo ha negado jamás, y lejos de mantenerse callado por su falta, encima se rebotó por que a Meghan no se le pasó la vergüenza y empezó a pasar de dirigirle la palabra, dándole así excusa al señor para empezar su gira televisiva lloriqueando lo mala que es.

Le pide Meghan por carta por favor que deje de hacer esas cosas y él vende la carta a la prensa. ¡Que maravilloso padre, el viejo Markle!

El hecho de que le pagase la carrera - que, como padre, es un deber, no una dádiva - no le da derecho a intentar aprovecharse del matrimonio de su hija para hacer caja de la peor de las maneras posibles, dando encima bola a los terribles tabloides británicos.

Con familia así, mejor ser huérfana.

Estoy de acuerdísimo que hay que alejarse de las familias disfuncionales por salud mental, PERO, cuando toda tu familia por todos los lados es disfuncional (ni un primo o tío normal tienes para invitar a una boda?), cuando no tienes amigos de la infancia, instituto o universidad que vayan a tu boda (o de la pandilla de vaciones que se yo!). Cuando no tienes A NADIE y de hecho tu marido se termina alejando de su propia familia con la que ha convivido 36 años de su vida y en la que hay absolutamente de todo?... a nadie le saltan las alarmas?. coxx, que puede ser que tengas la malísima suerte de ser la unica normal entre toda la disfuncionalidad del mundo, pero es raro de pelotas. Yo de esa gente sin amigos ni familia más que sus últimos compañeros de trabajo, huyo en la vida real.

Por otra parte, ella lloraba porque su vida cambió, ahora ha vuelto al sitio de partida mucho mejor posicionada. Pero qué pasa con su pareja. ¿Es justo lo que le ha pasado a él? Ahora es él quien lo deja TODO a cambio solamente del amor de su familia, ojo que no es poco, pero tampoco sirve para llenar toda la existencia del ser humano, necesitará amigos, sentirse útil... solo porque en periódicos de 4ª la insultaban y nunca pudo ser "la nueva Diana". ¿Verdaderamente creemos a estas alturas que el amor todo lo puede? A largo plazo (Edito: no a corto mientras se está super enamorado y con un crío pequeño, sino a un plazo mayor) se necesita muchísima capacidad y no sé si una persona que apenas se ha tenido que esforzar por nada puede tener esa capacidad. Independientemente que no creo que exista un verdadero proyecto en común detrás, porque (y es impresión personal) Meghan busca una relevancia que el PH tiene y de la que "huye". No creo que el sueño del PH sea ir al faranduleo estadounidense (y recordemos que los Invictus casi se caen por deficitarios, sin el apoyo de la casa Real Británica, negro lo veo)

Han salido de la peor manera posible.
Última edición:
Cuqui Chelsea!
Yo soy fan total! se parece a Peggy de los Muppets y es pantobillera. Dijo que no era vida para ella.
Harry se la debió liar muchas veces porque cortaban y volvían por facebook y todo.
Ahora diseña joyas para no sé qué marca y una parte del beneficio es para un proyecto de colaboración, pero me parece que estudió derecho. Y las últimas veces no es pantobillera.
Creo que tenía dinero para aburrir...
Tiene dinero para aburrir y un novio con el que se la veía muy feliz, imagino que forrado también. Hizo muy bien en tener tan claro, siendo tan jóvenes, que no quería ser Royal. Lo dejó y punto. No se acabó el mundo.
Pero esa familia desestructurada la tenía antes de conocer a Harry y decidió seguir, personalmente es una desgracia, pero estamos en 2020, existe la libertad de prensa y el derecho a defenderse en los tribunales. Aun así se casó, en su mano estuvo ponerse el mundo por montera y denunciar lo que creyera conveniente, pero en su mano no está acallar a los medios, lo que no puede la familia real británica es coartar libertades y derechos adquiridos por un miembro de su familia. Si han salido hace muchísimos años cosas muchísimo peores de gente con más rango que ellos y no han podido hacer nada, como lo del tampax. Que pretendían los Duques de Sussex? Que la reina mandara matarlos frente a un muro al amanecer?

La difamación por norma en cada la más mínima minucia para ganar dinero a costa de un famoso está castigada en el Reino Unido. Hugh Grant, que apoya a los Sussex y les desea suerte en su nueva vida, le dió una buena paliza en los tribunales a Ruppert Murdoch por haber llegado a autorizar el pinchazo de sus teléfonos para escuchar conversaciones privadas y postar a sus buitres entre arbustos de parques para fotografiar a sus hijos.

Eso de que salen cosas peores en gente con más rango y no pasa nada será porque dichas personas consideran que es peor intentar defenderse de esas cosas tan infames demostrables por sus atacantes, pero lo de los Sussex ha sido una campaña muy sucia, tanto que 70 parlamentarias reunieron firmas para denunciar a los tabloides, y una cosa es denunciar en los periódicos a un tipo como Andrew, comisionista, prevaricador y aficionado a aprovecharse de muchachitas-regalo, en plan muñeca hinchable pero en vivo y otra denigrar a una persona hasta por su fisico, que, disculpa, es un atentado a la autoestima de la persona y un peligro psicológico, sobre todo si te convierten en el blanco de todos los canallas más rastreros del país, ganando pasta a costa de tu persona.
Delingpole: #Megxit! Ex-Prince Harry Got Woke, Now He’s Broke…
LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 19: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry attend the Women's Empowerment reception hosted by Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson during the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting at the Royal Aeronautical Society on April 19, 2018 in London, England. (Photo by Chris Jackson - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

Chris Jackson - WPA Pool/Getty ImagesJAMES DELINGPOLE19 Jan 2020
How are the mighty fallen!
This time a year ago, Prince Harry had the world at his feet. He was a handsome prince with a beautiful wife and a healthy male heir on the way, plenty of money, a free, five-bedroomed ‘cottage’ in a piece of England’s finest real estate, a dashing war record from two tours in Afghanistan, bags of honorary titles — including Captain General of the Royal Marines — all the cachet of being a senior player in the world’s grandest Royal Family but little of the responsibility (his big brother William is heir to the throne, so the pressure is off there), with plenty of spare time for frequent private jet jaunts round the world to hang out with celebrity chums like Sir Elton John.

Now, he’s a nobody. Or at best, an ex-Someone. Sure he gets to keep his aristocratic courtesy-title the Duke of Sussex, but he no longer retains the rank of royal prince or the honorific ‘His Royal Highness’; he has to pay back the £2.4 million that the UK taxpayer spent doing up his ‘cottage’; he has lost the role of Captain General — and all his other honorary military titles; he’ll no longer be paid to represent the Royal Family at official events; he’s now possibly even less famous than his wife, who wasn’t exactly A-list to begin with being only the ex-supporting-star from a fading TV show in its seventh series…
Breitbart TV

Where did it all go so wrong for the poor lad?
Simple. Ex-Prince Harry is perhaps the most tragic living example of Get Woke, Go Broke.
Before he met Meghan Markle, he was one of the lads; a polo-playing, cigarette-smoking, hard-drinking action man with a string of hot girlfriends, a twinkle in his eye that made him probably the Queen’s favourite grandchild, and a common touch which made him the people’s favourite young royal.

But no sooner had he fallen under Meghan’s spell, he became a husk of his former self — riddled with anxiety about everything from the state of the planet to his own mental health, excruciatingly politically correct, replacing polo and shooting and fox hunting with wife-endorsed yoga sessions, reduced to prostituting his royal status — and being caught on camera — begging the CEO of Disney to give his wife some voiceover work.
Under the malign influence of Hollywood princess Meghan, Harry got woke and now he’s broke. Why did he not see all this coming?
The answer is, of course, that when a man is under the glamour of a Circe-like enchantress he becomes immune to reason.
His big brother William, with whom he had the closest of relationships, did try to explain — urging him to live with Meghan for a few months before committing to matrimony — but his warnings fell on deaf ears.
What Harry should have realised is that the Royal Family is, perhaps above all else, ruthlessly geared towards its own survival.
There have been Kings and Queens of England dating back at least to King Egbert 1,200 years ago. A royal line does not last that long without a certain degree of brutal expediency.

We saw this in 1936 with the enforced abdication of Edward VIII — another royal who imagined he could mix business with pleasure only to be cast into outer darkness when he refused to ditch his unsuitable partner, another blowsy American, Wallis Simpson.
We saw it again only a few weeks ago when the Queen booted her favourite child, Prince Andrew, out of the Royal firm because of his involvement in the Epstein scandal.
Now we’ve seen it again with the Queen’s totally uncompromising treatment of Prince Harry. Being favourite grandchild clearly doesn’t get you any special favours where this implacable monarch is concerned. The severance package she has imposed on Harry and Meghan is the hardest of hard Megxits. As ever, the Queen has put her sense of duty to the nation above all — no matter how much personal hurt it may have caused her to impose such Carthaginian terms on her beloved Harry (and her rather less beloved granddaughter-in-law Meghan).
But the Queen was, of course, absolutely right to do what she has done.

Harry and Meghan were fast becoming an embarrassing liability. Meghan, especially, was trying to pull the Royal brand in a direction that it could never have possibly survived. There was even talk, at one point, of Royal-branded ‘wellness clinics.’
Often you hear it said that the Royal Family needs to move with the times in order to make itself more relevant to the modern world. But a) the people saying this are almost always the kind of people who don’t believe in the Royal Family and would much rather it collapsed and b) sorry, but what the Royal Family didn’t need in 2020 — and won’t even need in 2120 either — are the kind of progressive influencers who, given half the chance, would probably have ended up trying to flog candles with the Royal crest called This Is What My Princess Vagina Smells Like.
It’s all terribly bad luck on Harry who, sooner or later, will probably end up coming back to Britain, lost and rudderless, with his tail between his legs and the most expensive divorce bill money can buy.
But Britain and the Royal Family are well rid of Princess Yoko, that’s for sure. Canada is welcome to her. Hollywood is welcome to her.
And the Royal Family lives to fight another day.
James Delingpole is the host of the Delingpod podcast
EntertainmentLondon / EuropePoliticsCirceelton johnget woke go brokeHollywoodMeghan MarkleMegxitprince harryPrincess YokoQueenroyal familyWoke Royals
Kate no ha tenido un padre que desde el minuto 1 vendió fotos y ha ganado sus dólares haciendo entrevistas poniendo fatal a su hija, ni unos hermanos que han hecho el ridículo y han salido también en los peores tabloides diciéndole todo salvo bonita.

La madre de Meghan se mantuvo callada con toda dignidad y fué invitada a la boda. Se esperaba la asistencia del señor Markle para que fuese padrino, pero se le descubrió vendiendo fotos robadas preparándose para la boda, haciéndose el chaqué... y él mismo tuvo que poner de excusa que habían tenido que hospitalizarle para excusar su ausencia. Es decir, que también el padre había sido invitado, ni el propio señor lo ha negado jamás, y lejos de mantenerse callado por su falta, encima se rebotó por que a Meghan no se le pasó la vergüenza y empezó a pasar de dirigirle la palabra, dándole así excusa al señor para empezar su gira televisiva lloriqueando lo mala que es.

Le pide Meghan por carta por favor que deje de hacer esas cosas y él vende la carta a la prensa. ¡Que maravilloso padre, el viejo Markle!

El hecho de que le pagase la carrera - que, como padre, es un deber, no una dádiva - no le da derecho a intentar aprovecharse del matrimonio de su hija para hacer caja de la peor de las maneras posibles, dando encima bola a los terribles tabloides británicos.

Con familia así, mejor ser huérfana.
La primera que lanzó la piedra y abrió la veda negando tener familia es Meghan . Harry no conoció al padre de Meghan en dos años de noviazgo Y también Meghan niega que su padre le pagara estudios , buenos colegios, viajes a Europa en su edad de adolescencia y prácticas en embajadas en la universidad El padre de mette marie también hizo desafortunadas declaraciones a la prensa y entrevistas televisivas y no por ello Mette Marie negó tener un padre . Y Mette Marie no era precisamente una virginal florecilla del campo pero supo compaginar mucho mejor las cosas que Meghan que podría haber sido sincera y decir claramente que hacia años que no se veía ni se trataba con su padre ni con la familia de su padre y no pasa nada, esas cosas pasan , pero entonces se vería que todo el mundo happy que vendía en su blog era pura fantasía Meghaniaca para conseguir likes y patrocinios de marcas . Meghan rechazó de plano a su familia paterna hace años, coincidiendo con su contrato en la serie . A partir de ahí se inventó una vida nueva por completo y casi toda imaginaria con la valiosa ayuda de empresas de relaciones públicas . Nada que objetar , cada uno se busca la vida como puede y ella quería lo que ahora tiene , la atención mundial de la prensa y los tabloides como famosa y millonaria El resto , su familia y la de su marido y la suya propia con Harry le importa bien poco .
La difamación por norma en cada la más mínima minucia para ganar dinero a costa de un famoso está castigada en el Reino Unido. Hugh Grant, que apoya a los Sussex y les desea suerte en su nueva vida, le dió una buena paliza en los tribunales a Ruppert Murdoch por haber llegado a autorizar el pinchazo de sus teléfonos para escuchar conversaciones privadas y postar a sus buitres entre arbustos de parques para fotografiar a sus hijos.

Eso de que salen cosas peores en gente con más rango y no pasa nada será porque dichas personas consideran que es peor intentar defenderse de esas cosas tan infames demostrables por sus atacantes, pero lo de los Sussex ha sido una campaña muy sucia, tanto que 70 parlamentarias reunieron firmas para denunciar a los tabloides, y una cosa es denunciar en los periódicos a un tipo como Andrew, comisionista, prevaricador y aficionado a aprovecharse de muchachitas-regalo, en plan muñeca hinchable pero en vivo y otra denigrar a una persona hasta por su fisico, que, disculpa, es un atentado a la autoestima de la persona y un peligro psicológico, sobre todo si te convierten en el blanco de todos los canallas más rastreros del país, ganando pasta a costa de tu persona.

Pues para eso están los tribunales, por suerte en España no existe eso, pero en Inglaterra está implantadísimo, que pueden hacer? Pues poner demandas, pero la Corona no puede anular la libertad de prensa.
The Slow Sussex Split From The Royal Family
The Queen has spoken and made a statement, along with it one from Buckingham Palace at 6.30 p.m., 18 January, 2020 regarding the future of the Sussex duo. Some people are happy with what has been said, while others don’t think enough action has been taken and that the Sussex duo have won. They have not won, and there are no winners in this because everyone loses something. My Facebook posts have been inundated with questions and people make random incorrect remarks, and what we must all remember this is just the start of things. A transition period is required to remove their names from patronages, and also to sort out their tax status, and security issues. Things can change and I believe what we see is a split that has been worded carefully so the RF don’t look like they are kicking them out, because how the RF appears to the public is still important.
Let’s look at The Queen’s statement:

  • She admits that this has been discussed for quite a while, therefore, BP did know they wanted to leave and had planned to leave which begs the question as to why they wasted time on the Southern Africa tour, and why bother giving MM patronages that haven’t even lasted a year?
  • The Sussexes are still considered members of the Royal Family, and I don’t think the ‘much loved’ was necessary, because they aren’t loved by the public and it makes The Queen appear weak and sentimental.
  • In terms of the challenges they faced, again that was an unnecessary remark because it appears that she concurs that there were media issues whereas in reality the fake PR MM pushed was the problem. A very poor decision to include that in the statement which tries to attribute blame on the public and media.
  • She had to thank them for their work, but quite frankly they were an embarrassment and did a poor job. The part about being proud about MM is a poor decision again because it’s obvious she did not fit in, nor did she make an effort to or want to. The Queen got this wrong, and has angered more people with what I consider an ill considered statement aimed at appeasing the ‘race card’ and the ‘cult’ fans so that they can’t attack The Queen. The truth is that she is part of the family in name only, and that’s just for now.
  • The ending is quite airy fairy, wishing them a ‘happy’ life, so it does mean that this is a step that is final. As for the use of the word peaceful, again, I would say that was a poor choice because it infers their life was not peaceful. Hello there BP, all they did was court publicity and when people didn’t buy into it they threw a tantrum. Their new life is not going to be peaceful, but they hope to pack it full of parties, gigs, public appearances, and selling all their photos and merchandise. Has anyone told BP that they haven’t gone to relax and chill out, but are trying to cash in and build an empire of their own?
VERDICT: A poorly worded statement by The Queen that apportions blame for the Sussex duo leaving on the public reaction and media. She tries too hard to please those who may criticize and comes across as disingenuous, and it shows. Her hand was slow, she was weak, and damage has been done. The sooner the RF accept that and admit to it, they may gain some credibility back.
Harry clearly showed little remorse, and had little interest in one of his final roles as a working member of the RF yesterday when he was part of the draw for the Rugby League World Cup (17.01.20). He retreated hastily when asked questions and looked nervous, yet still maintained an arrogant stance.


The BP statement lays out some of the outcomes from the negotiations, but things are still being decided and implemented. Hw do you interpret things? It depends on your perspective, but from a PR one (and press releases are just that) one must read between the lines at what is written, and what is actually being said.
  • They will remain members of the RF, but not active working members and therefore will not attend military events.
  • Harry will relinquish the honorary military titles he has been given because they were passed to him as a representative of The Queen.
  • They will not receive any public funding.
  • As they no longer represent The Queen, any patronages passed to them from her will be relinquished. These would include for MM The National Theatre and the ACU, as well as the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust. What a waste of time knowing that MM had no intention of staying.
  • Private patronages and associations will continue such as for MM, the Mayhew, and Smart Works.
  • The HRH title brings about heated discussions because while the duo officially have the HRH, they have been told they cannot use it. Harry was born with the HRH title and will always keep it, but this appears to be a way for the HRH to be revoked, but keeping the door open should Harry be allowed to use it again in the future. The Duchess of Kent has opted not to use HRH even though she is entitled to do so, but this also brings up the question as to why MM was allowed the HRH when the ‘rules’ didn’t allow her to do so. It was given on the understanding that she would become a UK citizen which looks highly unlikely as MM isn’t going to satisfy the residency criteria in order to gain citizenship. There is a difference between the duo choosing not to use HRH and being told they cannot.
  • The duo must stop using the HRH by springtime, and so it is probable they will milk this for as long as they can, and they have by adding it to their updated statement today on their website.
  • The cost of Frogmore Cottage refurbishments will be repaid, probably by Charles although I think it should come from Harry’s trust fund. This is likely to be in response to the public outcry of the expenditure, and that the duo have barely lived in the property for more than 6 months. The public response was an angry one when the costs were revealed, and thus I feel this is to appease the public. I personally didn’t expect this, and I see it as a way to try and regain public confidence, however, it’s too late.
  • The duo will pay rent in order to keep Frogmore as their UK residence, but staff have been moved to other parts of the estate, therefore it appears that the Sussexes aren’t returning, but do need an address for tax reasons. The rent will probably be paid for by Charles (Duchy of Cornwall).
  • People have moaned that Charles will still fund them, but he is the father and parents fund their children at all ages. It won’t be a blank cheque though, and Charles may get quite tight with them. I hope he does, yet the more Charles gives them, that is essentially robbing William and George of their inheritance.
  • The transition will appear to be completed by Spring 2020 which is in March, yet this is the initial stage it appears
There are still questions over whether the Sussex duo may use ‘sussexroyal’ as a commerical enterprise, and so far it appears they can, yet that can to be revoked if it is used in a distasteful manner, or if a dukedom is brought into disrepute. That remains to be seen for you can’t shut down a business until they have traded and you can prove that their dealings are less than sound. As for those who keep asking about trademarks and domains, they give far too much relevance to these trivial matters. Trademarks can become extinct and can also be revoked, or cancelled, but all they do is protect a brand so no one else can use the name. With ‘sussexroyal’ being so tarnished before it has even begun trading, I hardly think people will want to use a similar name.
Several people keep saying that the duo have won and have got what they wanted. I say how so, beside the fact we don’t know what they wanted? They get to keep Frogmore but must pay back the cost of the renovations and must pay rent like others, they get no public funding, prestigious royal patronages have been rescinded , Harry’s honorary military titles have been revoked, they have been demoted and are no longer allowed to use the HRH title, and as they no longer represent The Queen they will not be entitled to the protection detail they currently have. The latter is still an issue as to who will bear the brunt of the cost, but it should not be the public if the duo wish to be private money making citizens.
They didn’t get what they wanted which was Frogmore rent free, their titles, and they wanted publicly funded security too. The game isn’t over, and while the RF may think they have salvaged things, with the history of the dastardly duo, expect them to bend and break the agreements that will lead to more division. This is not over, it’s just begun with one glove flung off.

The Slow Sussex Split From The Royal Family https://harrymarkle.wordpress.com/2020/01/18/the-slow-sussex-split-from-the-royal-family/ vía @HarryMarkled
La difamación por norma en cada la más mínima minucia para ganar dinero a costa de un famoso está castigada en el Reino Unido. Hugh Grant, que apoya a los Sussex y les desea suerte en su nueva vida, le dió una buena paliza en los tribunales a Ruppert Murdoch por haber llegado a autorizar el pinchazo de sus teléfonos para escuchar conversaciones privadas y postar a sus buitres entre arbustos de parques para fotografiar a sus hijos.

Eso de que salen cosas peores en gente con más rango y no pasa nada será porque dichas personas consideran que es peor intentar defenderse de esas cosas tan infames demostrables por sus atacantes, pero lo de los Sussex ha sido una campaña muy sucia, tanto que 70 parlamentarias reunieron firmas para denunciar a los tabloides, y una cosa es denunciar en los periódicos a un tipo como Andrew, comisionista, prevaricador y aficionado a aprovecharse de muchachitas-regalo, en plan muñeca hinchable pero en vivo y otra denigrar a una persona hasta por su fisico, que, disculpa, es un atentado a la autoestima de la persona y un peligro psicológico, sobre todo si te convierten en el blanco de todos los canallas más rastreros del país, ganando pasta a costa de tu persona.

Yo no estoy diciendo que hagan bien los medios, estoy diciendo que ese es su escenario y el país que les ha tocado, la Familia Real Española tiene otro. Tienen toda la libertad del mundo para dejar la institución y como ciudadanos comunes luchar contra ello, lo que no tienen es el poder desde la corona de acabar con ello por imposición.